Contact us

Information about opening hours

The preschool's regular opening hours are from 07: 00-17: 00, however, the preschool offers the children who need care to the extent needed with regard to the guardians' work or studies. 


Little Kids Preschool

Koriandergatan 6/8

424 44 Angered


Måndag - fredag: 07:00-17:00

Helger: Stängt

Phone number


Send us a message

We answer emails and messages within one working day

Do you want to report a complaint or give feedback to us?

Are you passionate about guiding and helping children in their development?

Search for a job with us

You are warmly welcome to apply for a position with us! We are looking for enthusiastic, educated and legitimized teachers. 

Also attach police record extracts in accordance with the Education Act. You order this via the Police's website here.
